Bluetooth Devices

Bluetooth devices are becoming an essential part of our fast-paced technical life. As more and more devices are available in the market, it’s getting more harder to choose which device is better for us. Major advantage of Bluetooth devices is, we do not need any wired connection with our source device.


Next question anyone would ask, what exactly is source device for Bluetooth. Answer is simple, any device which can send signal via Bluetooth to receiver device can be defined as source device. Some of most common source devices in our households are smartphones, tablets, smart TV, Radio etc.


Now Next question comes here what exactly is Bluetooth receiver device? Answer for these questions is again very simple, any device which can receive signals via Bluetooth are receiver device, e.g., Bluetooth headphones, Bluetooth speakers, Bluetooth sound bars, smart watches etc.


Some people confuse Bluetooth devices with wi-fi devices which is not true. For wi-fi devices you must have active internet connection with wi-fi capability. But for Bluetooth you do not need any. Purpose of Bluetooth is to make a connection between device without any wires or internet connection.


After invention of Bluetooth technology, it created a revolution in improving Sound Quality and performance without any need of wires.


If you are looking for Bluetooth devices in surrey, you can always visit our store O2 Computers to check out different options. You can find multiple known brands like Blueparrot, Samsung, Motorola, Sony, Jabra and cost-effective generic devices as well.


Easy way to distinguish if any device is Bluetooth compatible you should look for this sign.

If you have any questions or concerns about Bluetooth devices feel free to Contact Us.

Some of Most Selling Bluetooth Devices we mostly have in stocks are

